Open tientt-holistics opened 3 months ago
ruby 3.3.1 (2024-04-23 revision c56cd86388) [x86_64-linux] pg_query (5.1.0)
Running rake test and 1 test in treewalker_spec.rb fail. Output
rake test
Failures: 1) PgQuery.treewalker walks nodes contained in repeated fields Failure/Error: expect(locations).to match_array [ [:stmts], [:stmts, 0], [:stmts, 0, :stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :distinct_clause], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :target_list], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :from_clause], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :group_clause], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :window_clause], expected collection contained: [[:stmts], [:stmts, 0], [:stmts, 0, :stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :sel..., [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :values_lists], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :window_clause]] actual collection contained: [[:stmts], [:stmts, 0], [:stmts, 0, :stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :sel...mts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :target_list, 0, :res_target, :val, :func_call, :funcname, 0, :string]] the missing elements were: [[:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :distinct_clause], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :from_clause], ..., [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :values_lists], [:stmts, 0, :stmt, :select_stmt, :window_clause]] # ./spec/lib/treewalker_spec.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 11.02 seconds (files took 0.22564 seconds to load) 604 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/lib/treewalker_spec.rb:4 # PgQuery.treewalker walks nodes contained in repeated fields
rake test
and 1 test intreewalker_spec.rb
fail. OutputFinished in 11.02 seconds (files took 0.22564 seconds to load) 604 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/lib/treewalker_spec.rb:4 # PgQuery.treewalker walks nodes contained in repeated fields