pgaskin / KoboStuff

Automatically updated Kobo firmware download page. Also see pgaskin/kfwproxy for the backend.
MIT License
49 stars 4 forks source link

Add RSS or Atom feed to subscribe to new updates #22

Open Gert-dev opened 2 years ago

Gert-dev commented 2 years ago


It would be neat if the site provided one or more RSS or Atom feeds that you can subscribe to to receive updates whenever a new update is added to this site, possibly containing the release notes in the body of the item.

My personal use case is that I never connect my reader to Wi-Fi as I don't need the synchronization features - getting pinged when a firmware update is available would thus be nice to have.

Nothing urgent and certainly not a required feature, but nice nonetheless. Regardless, thanks for making this site!