pgaskin / dictutil

Tools, documentation, and libraries related to Kobo dictionaries.
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Custom dictionaries with custom labels calls english dictionary #11

Closed fds39 closed 4 years ago

fds39 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Is this a syntax error or a bug? ExtraLocales=li ,gr ,la ,ba ,lt works perfectly, while with ExtraLocales=li Littre, gr Le Grand Robert, la Larousse, ba Basique, lt Nouveau Littre , the list of dictionaries is of course more explicit, but does not work; by selecting one of the EXTRA dictionaries, the "English-English" dictionary is called; it informs me that no English dictionary is not installed.

Also this slight detail : names with accents are massacred. Littré rather than Littre Merci beaucoup

Firmware and kobopatch version: 4.22.15190 with Allow searches on Extra dictionaries: yes

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

That's unfortunately not going to work for the same reason that Allow searches on Extra dictionaries is needed. You may be able to fix it by replacing the spaces with dashes or underscores (but note that you can't outsmart it by using other Unicode spaces).

fds39 commented 4 years ago

This solution is quite satisfactory. Thank you for your work. ExtraLocales=li_Littre, gr_Le_Grand_Robert, la_Larousse, ba_Basique+, lt_Nouveau_Littre