pgaskin / dictutil

Tools, documentation, and libraries related to Kobo dictionaries.
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ExtraLocales disappeared from Kobo eReader.conf #12

Closed fromhz closed 3 years ago

fromhz commented 4 years ago


I'm using firmware 4.22.15190 with kobopatch (Enable searches on extra dictionaries enabled). When I tried to use my custom dictionaries today, I noticed that they disappeared from the dropdown list.

The dictzip files still exist in ./kobo/dict, but the ExtraLocales in Kobo eReader.conf disappeared.

I tried doing dictutil install again, it worked at first, but then the ExtraLocales disappeared again.

I also tried manually adding to ExtraLocales, same thing happened.

I repatched the firmware and added in the "Never sync dictionaries" patch, same thing happened.

The behavior doesn't depend on the dictionary. I've been using the same setup (firmware version, kobopatch etc) for a while, and this never happened before today.

Thank you!

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Can I see the entire config file (you may want to remove the browser cookies and pocket/dropbox tokens first)? You can email it to me at my email address on my profile.

fromhz commented 4 years ago

sent :)

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Which locales are you trying to add?

fromhz commented 4 years ago

The conf file I sent you contains "zh, am, br, f1," they've all disappeared at least once today. I've also added te&gu, which disappeared at least once today as well.

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Do you mean they disappear from the config file itself, the menu, or both?

Also, can you type devmodeon in the book search, go to Settings/Device/Developer/Log Categories and enable dictionary, try to install a dictionary, send me the new .kobo/syslog-* file, then type devmodeoff to put it back to normal?

fromhz commented 4 years ago

They disappeared from both the config file and the dropdown list for selecting dictionaries while looking up words within books.

I've sent the log file to your email address.

Thanks :)

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

They disappeared from both the config file and the dropdown list for selecting dictionaries while looking up words within books.

I had a look at the log, and it appears that you connected, added am, br, and f1 (te was there from the beginning), and looked up words a few times, both inside and outside of books. I don't see any sign of it disappearing from the menu or the config file.

When you say it disappears from the config file, does the ExtraLocales line still exist or not?

fromhz commented 4 years ago

ExtraLocales line exists with the newest dictionary, but not the older ones that I put in. i.e. before today, I have the following as ExtraLocales: am,br,f1,te,gu,zh earlier today, after I overwrote the te dictionary, and after some unknown magic, I have the following as ExtraLocales: te

From the log file, I concluded that I have the following dictionaries at the following timestamps ( I didn't uninstall any dictionary today) 15:54 te 15:58 am br f1 te zh 16:01 zh 16:05 am br f1 zh (and they haven't disappeared after this time) I concluded by looking at entries like this:

Jul 19 18:26:00 nickel: (NickelMenu) AbstractNickelMenuController::createMenuTextItem(0x3381ca8, `Extra:_zh`, 0, 0, ``) (src/
Jul 19 18:26:00 nickel: (NickelMenu) Comparing against 'Settings', 'Dictionary' (src/

Thank you!

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

What happens if you use dictutil v0.3.0?

fromhz commented 4 years ago

Actually v0.3.0 is the version I'm using.

fromhz commented 3 years ago

Still not sure what caused the issue last time and unable to replicate the issue. However, it hasn't occurred in the past 10 days, so closing the case.

Thanks for your help :)