pgaskin / dictutil

Tools, documentation, and libraries related to Kobo dictionaries.
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"You don't have a Extra:_ch dictionary installed." error on 4.21.15015 #9

Closed fromhz closed 4 years ago

fromhz commented 4 years ago


I followed instructions on

First, I applied kobopatch with yes to two options and installed to kobo successfully: FeatureSettings - ExportHighlights: - Enabled: yes Allow searches on Extra dictionaries: - Enabled: yes

I tried manual installation first, and got the error "You don't have a Extra:_ch dictionary installed." Same error for e1. Then I tried dictutil (I'm on Windows 10 & output attached below).

Then I went to kobo and got the same error for both Extra:_e1 & Extra:_ch. I tried closing&opening the book and rebooting but I got the same error.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :)

dictutil-windows.exe install
Found Kobo eReader at "D:" with firmware version 4.21.15015.
Installing dictzip "" (locale: ch) as "" (overwriting_builtin: false) with label "Extra:_ch".

Copying dictzip.
  Note: firmware version >= 4.20.14601, so using new method for preventing nickel from overwriting dictionaries.
  Wrote dictzip to "D:.kobo\\dict\\".
Updating ExtraLocales.
  Locale "ch" already added to ExtraLocales.
Updating database.
  No need to update dictionary table on 4.20.14601, skipping.

Successfully installed dictzip "" to Kobo "D:".

dictutil-windows.exe install
Found Kobo eReader at "D:" with firmware version 4.21.15015.
Installing dictzip "" (locale: e1) as "" (overwriting_builtin: false) with label "Extra:_e1".

Copying dictzip.
  Note: firmware version >= 4.20.14601, so using new method for preventing nickel from overwriting dictionaries.
  Wrote dictzip to "D:.kobo\\dict\\".
Updating ExtraLocales.
  Locale "e1" already added to ExtraLocales.
Updating database.
  No need to update dictionary table on 4.20.14601, skipping.

Successfully installed dictzip "" to Kobo "D:".
pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Is the dictionary file present in .kobo/dict/? If not, I think I know what the issue might be.

fromhz commented 4 years ago

Wow thanks for the fast reply! Unfortunately, the files are present in .kobo/dict.

I do notice that in Settings>Language and dictionaries>manage dictionaries, both Extra:_ch and Extra:_e1 are shown as 0B. I saw on mobileread that others get an actual file size here.


pgaskin commented 4 years ago

I do notice that in Settings>Language and dictionaries>manage dictionaries, both Extra:_ch and Extra:_e1 are shown as 0B. I saw on mobileread that others get an actual file size here.

That's for older firmware versions < 14622.

Are you sure the patch installed correctly? The Kobo should have rebooted after ejecting it.

fromhz commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm pretty sure. Here is the log file from kobopatch_4.21.15015. After I dragged the .tgz to Kobo and ejected, it did reboot.

There is no reboot after using dictutil. I rebooted manually after seeing the error.

Is there any other information I can provide?



pgaskin commented 4 years ago

That sounds normal. I don't think there's a problem with installation then. Can you email me the dictionaries themselves so I can take a look?

fromhz commented 4 years ago

Hi, so I figured out that I zipped the dictionary file at the wrong level :( Now I get the error "No definition found. Try another dictionary." I probably converted the dictionary wrong and it is not related to dictutil. Therefore, I'm closing the issue. Thanks!

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Hi, so I figured out that I zipped the dictionary file at the wrong level :(

Have you considered using dicutil pack instead of doing it manually? And, if you're making the dictionary, have you considered using dictgen?

fromhz commented 4 years ago


Good advice, I didn't know dictutil pack. The html files I had were already gzipped, while dictutil pack takes ungzipped files.

No, I was just converting from stardict to kobo dictionary. I first used pyglossary but it gave the error. I just tried penelope and it worked!


pgaskin commented 4 years ago

Speaking of penelope, if your dictionary uses accents, spaces, or cyrillic characters you'll probably want to recompile the converted dictionary by using dictzip-decompile and dictgen to have full functionality.

This will also allow you to easily make modifications and merge dictionaries.

fromhz commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the tip haha. I considered converting a French dictionary but I figured I might just stick to the default one.

Btw, if you happen to have tips for Chinese dictionary conversion, please let me know :)