pgaskin / kobopatch-patches

Patches for use with kobopatch.
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Footnote patches in 4.20.xx #55

Closed jackiew1 closed 4 years ago

jackiew1 commented 4 years ago


I don't think your official nickel patch Change pop-up footnote font-family is doing anything anymore. If the aim is to make sure pop-up footnotes use Georgia (rather than Avenir) then I think the patch can be removed. However, if the aim is to give font-family full customisation to the user then I think a new pop-up footnote code investigation is needed. Second opinions welcome 😄

As a follow on ... I've previously posted an unofficial patch to control font-size of footnote text. This no longer works either. As with many parts of the GUI (IMO) default footnote font-size on a KA1/Forma is huge. Other models seem OK.

test Pop-up footnote main text font-size:
  - Enabled: no
  - Description: Change font-size of pop-up footnote main text.
  - FindZlib: "RegularTouchLabel {\n  font-family"
  - ReplaceZlibGroup:
        # RegularTouchLabel Popup footnote main text
        # Change Replace font-size as required for your Kobo model
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsTrilogy=true] {\n  font-size: 19px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsTrilogy=true] {\n  font-size: 19px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsPhoenix=true] {\n  font-size: 23px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsPhoenix=true] {\n  font-size: 23px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true] {\n  font-size: 29px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsDragon=true] {\n  font-size: 29px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsAlyssum=true] {\n  font-size: 32px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsAlyssum=true] {\n  font-size: 32px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsNova=true] {\n  font-size: 32px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsNova=true] {\n  font-size: 32px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsStorm=true] {\n  font-size: 34px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsStorm=true] {\n  font-size: 34px;\n}"
        - Find:    "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsDaylight=true] {\n  font-size: 37px;\n}"
          Replace: "RegularTouchLabel[qApp_deviceIsDaylight=true] {\n  font-size: 34px;\n}"

The only workaround I've found so far is a new libnickel patch, but it's not ideal because it doesn't allow a different font-size per model.

test Pop-up footnote main text font-size:
  - Enabled: no
  - Description: |
        Change pop-up footnote main text font-size
        fw 4.20.14601 CSS moved to from nickel???
        Daylight: %1 = 42 ???
  - FindReplaceString:
      Find:    "p { font-size: %1px; line-height: 1.4em; }"
      Replace: "p { font-size: 34px; line-height: 1.4em; }"
      MustMatchLength: yes

If we knew where the %1px value was being read from it might be a help.

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

I'm most likely going to remove it, then (I'm didn't originally create that one, I don't use it, and I'm not familiar enough with it).

jackiew1 commented 4 years ago

I'm most likely going to remove it, then (I'm didn't originally create that one, I don't use it, and I'm not familiar enough with it).

Hmm, as I remember, you created the footnote font-family patch when I asked you whether it could be done. You were the one who told me that it was "hidden" in the CSS stream containing #ConfirmationDialog. I'm not convinced this stream is still the right one. Hence my original question.

jackiew1 commented 4 years ago

Oops, fat fingers! Didn't mean to close it.

ETA: I should have also said that if you don't want to update it that's OK with me. But, without some guidance from you, I will not be able to do much about updating the unofficial footnote font-size patch, other than what I've already said above.

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

I'd have to look at my notes. I honestly don't remember doing it, but what you said rings a bell for me. Sorry about my forgetfulness.

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

OK, I guess I was thinking of a different footnote patch earlier which wasn't mine.

I just had a look at this, and it does seem to have changed. Your new patch is correct, as confirmed by:

My patch wasn't intended to do anything other than change the font-family, so it doesn't seem like it is necessary anymore (the font is now serif by default).

I'm going to remove this patch, but if anyone ends up wanting to change the font-size, I'll include the one you posted above.

jackiew1 commented 4 years ago

I missed your response until just now. Thanks for looking.

My Assembler is non-existent but your code snippet DictionaryView::fontSize() const seems to suggest that footnote pop-up font-size is using the same value as dictionary pop-up font-size. This matches my observations on KA1/Forma which both default to 42px.

I've still no idea where these font-size constants are being set, though. Does that snippet provide any clues to you? I investigated by quick&dirty patching a few occurrences of Daylight/font-size:42px in the nickel CSS but none of them did me any good.

fromhz commented 3 years ago

PS. Nevermind, I found out I could replace Georgia with a customized font of the same name instead. Here is my original comment: Hello! I commented on the kobopatch request thread on mobileread a while back: I would like to use this patch to display footnotes properly for Chinese books. Would you by any chance have a look at this? Thanks a lot!