In the following MWE, a shading colour is created firstly, and then used in pgfpicture to show it in the top of the second logical page. When using option "second right" for the layout "two screens with optional second", everything is OK. However, changing "second right" to "second top" the shading colour also disappear. How to make the option "second top" show the shading picture correctly?
The result pdf with option:"second right"
The result pdf with option:"second top"
Minimal working example (MWE)
\documentclass[a5paper, landscape]{article}
% WITH OPTION "second right", everything is OK.
\pgfpagesuselayout{two screens with optional second}[second top]
rgb(0cm)=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
rgb(3cm)=(0.8, 0.8, 0.9)%
{\Huge Text for main page.}
{\Huge Text that goes to second page.}
\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}
\pgftransformshift{\pgfpointanchor{current page}{north west}}
\pgftext[top, left]{\pgfuseshading{headfade}}
Brief outline of the bug
In the following MWE, a shading colour is created firstly, and then used in
to show it in the top of the second logical page. When using option "second right" for the layout "two screens with optional second", everything is OK. However, changing "second right" to "second top" the shading colour also disappear. How to make the option "second top" show the shading picture correctly?The result pdf with option:"second right"
The result pdf with option:"second top"
Minimal working example (MWE)