pgf-tikz / pgfplots

pgfplots - A TeX package to draw normal and/or logarithmic plots directly in TeX in two and three dimensions with a user-friendly interface and pgfplotstable - a TeX package to round and format numerical tables. Examples in manuals and/or on web site.
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" --help" doesn't work #4

Closed pgf-tikz-bot closed 4 years ago

pgf-tikz-bot commented 15 years ago

Migrated from SourceForge Author: *anonymous Timestamp: 2009-02-15 15:46:32

I'm beginning to use some of the Externilization stuff, which seems to be really nice.

But in the moment I realized, that I would need to build/externalize multiple images, I got interested in the script.

So I tried to use it. It complained about some missing parameters and told me to use the "--help" option. As I tried it, it told me that "--help" is an invalid option: --- snip --- /usr/share/texmf-site/tex/generic/pgfplots/scripts/pgfplots/ --help getopt: unrecognized option `--help' Could not process command line arguments. Use the '--help' option for documentation. --- snap ---

If you take a look at the script you recognize the "dumpHelp"-function, which is never called.

I guess, you need to modify the "case "$ARG" in" block and add: * "help," to the LONGOPTS-variable to recognize the option. * an "--help) dumpHelp; exit 1;;" in the case statement.


pgf-tikz-bot commented 15 years ago

Migrated from SourceForge Author: ludewich Timestamp: 2009-02-15 20:35:59


the pgf2pdf script is actually very old - much older than the \usetikzlibrary{external}. The external-library is MUCH more comfortable - a simple pdflatex --shell-escape is enough to convert every single figure completely to a separate graphics. I encourage you to invest time into this library - although this requires to install a developerversion of pgf (see the sourceforge listing for pgf).

But I will take your report and write more documentation (maybe the hint written here) into the script.

Thank you!

Christian Feuersaenger

pgf-tikz-bot commented 15 years ago

Migrated from SourceForge Author: ludewich Timestamp: 2009-03-04 07:50:25

pgf-tikz-bot commented 15 years ago

Migrated from SourceForge Author: ludewich Timestamp: 2009-03-04 07:50:25

I have updates the script for the latest release - with a reference to the tikz external libraries which are actually much simpler. I guess the next stable release of pgf won't be too far - so this is hopefully a good solution.