pgh-public-meetings / city-scrapers-pitt

Pittsburgh City Scrapers: sourcing public meetings in Pittsburgh
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Spider: Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission #107

Closed maxachis closed 3 years ago

maxachis commented 4 years ago

Spider Name:

Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission


Scraping Notes:

maxachis commented 4 years ago

I'm on this!

vnbcs commented 4 years ago

@maxachis u should put the name of the agency in the heading!

vnbcs commented 4 years ago

@maxachis how DARE u name this issue incorrectly. u are a DISGRACE

bonfirefan commented 4 years ago



vnbcs commented 4 years ago

@maxachis jk ur lovely 🌼

maxachis commented 4 years ago

I don't know whether to feel flattered or disturbed.

So I'll feel both! :D