pgh-public-meetings / city-scrapers-pitt

Pittsburgh City Scrapers: sourcing public meetings in Pittsburgh
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Rename "master" to "main" #147

Closed ben-nathanson closed 3 years ago

ben-nathanson commented 3 years ago

You're probably familiar with this issue already, but if you're not, here's the tl;dr - the master branch was derived from the master/slave analogy and using the term in a casual context is becoming a bit dated.

Speaking for myself here and not the city-scrapers project, the debate could be summarized as a case of intent versus impact. On the one hand master just means "the main copy" in the engineering world, and changing the name of a branch might be more symbolic than substantive. On the other hand this is an easy one-time fix and there's no real upside to keeping master. On balance, I know we have attempted to diversify our volunteers throughout this project, we still have work to do there, and changing master to main would help send a friendly message to anyone and everyone interested in contributing.

Here's a nice guide to all the steps we would need to perform. Let me know your thoughts.



ben-nathanson commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Happy to re-open if others are interested.