pgh-public-meetings / city-scrapers-pitt

Pittsburgh City Scrapers: sourcing public meetings in Pittsburgh
MIT License
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city-scrapers-core module not found #60

Closed nathanderon closed 4 years ago

ChrisJabb21 commented 4 years ago


This is the error i get when I try to test and run Nicks version of his project and spider

bonfirefan commented 4 years ago

try uninstalling and reinstalling city-scrapers-core with pipenv install city-scrapers-core

bonfirefan commented 4 years ago

also make sure this branch is synced with master Scroll to the Git section here on syncing the fork: Use these commands (don't sync with the main City Bureau project): git remote add upstream Then follow the steps as listed

ChrisJabb21 commented 4 years ago

Thanks Bonnie, that did the trick. I didn't have the city-scraper-core library installed and had to install it. I am just having trouble with pushing the work Nick did that I tested on my machine to my github repo. I will keep trying to see if i can get it. I added the upstream, but I am not sure about the venv commands from the link you sent me. image

Update: I am not getting errors but when i try to push my work, i keep getting a message saying everything is up to date but I am not seeing the changes or my commit for my local repo and my remote path is `$ git remote -v

origin (fetch)

origin (push)

upstream (fetch) upstream (push)`