pghilardi / atom-python-virtualenv

Python virtualenv support for Atom
MIT License
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Support specific virtualenv folder #12

Closed dzen closed 7 years ago

dzen commented 7 years ago

For some reason, my virtualenv are created by virtualenvwrapper in a distinct folder, not in $HOME/.virtualenvs.

Is there a way to provide a configurable virtualenv location ?

Thank you.

pghilardi commented 7 years ago

@dzen ,

I am working to support this as soon as possible. I will expose the $HOME variable of your virtualenv. I will return to you when I have finished. I am working on branch auto-discovery.

pghilardi commented 7 years ago

Hey @dzen ,

Update to the last version 0.9.0 and probably the plug-in will work for you and get the right envs from the virtualenvwrapper. In this version I am getting the envs from the WORKON_HOME environment variable, so this probably will work. Let me know!
