pgigioli / darknet_ros

YOLO integration with ROS for real-time object detection
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Unable to open/load any of the cfg file #17

Closed aravindk2604 closed 6 years ago

aravindk2604 commented 6 years ago

Hi I'm trying to run the single_test_image example. rosrun darknet_ros single_image_test /home/ak/Git/DIYROBOCAR_BLR/mit_racecar_ws/src/darknet_ros/data/dog.jpg

Get the following error: `[100%] Built target single_image_test ak@akAW:~/Git/DIYROBOCAR_BLR/mit_racecar_ws$ source devel/setup.bash ak@akAW:~/Git/DIYROBOCAR_BLR/mit_racecar_ws$ rosrun darknet_ros single_image_test /home/ak/Git/DIYROBOCAR_BLR/mit_racecar_ws/src/darknet_ros/data/dog.jpg Loading network...

Couldn't open file: /home/Git/DIYROBOCAR_BLR/mit_racecar_ws/src/darknet_ros/cfg/yolo-voc.cfg`

First I tried with the tiny-yolo-voc.cfg and then the one mentioned above. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

My system config: Ubuntu 16.04 CUDA 8.0

aravindk2604 commented 6 years ago

I forgot to include my username in the path. My bad.