pglombardo / PasswordPusher

🔐 Securely share sensitive information with automatic expiration & deletion after a set number of views or duration. Track who, what and when with full audit logs.
Apache License 2.0
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OpenAPI Document for API #2571

Open Viajaz opened 1 week ago

Viajaz commented 1 week ago

🚀 Feature Request

Publish an OpenAPI 3.1 Document for the PasswordPusher API.

🔈 Motivation

OpenAPI Documents for APIs are useful to developers and security testers. This can allow tools to rapidly adapt to various APIs, whether to perform automatic code scaffolding (e.g., generating client SDKs or server stubs) or to establish a scope for security testing (e.g., Dynamic Application Security Testing). It's can also be used to rapidly introduce developers to the API within tools like Postman, Insomnia etc.

🛰 Alternatives

Whilst one could be manually written and maintained (the API is simple enough and I was considering doing this myself) options such as the rswag gem exist to automate the process within Rails.

pglombardo commented 18 hours ago

Hi @Viajaz - the project uses apipie which can export an OpenAPI document. It seems only OpenAPI 2.0 is supported.


I should probably add this to the documentation...

pglombardo commented 17 hours ago

I had this Postman documentation started but never finished:

Added to the documentation: