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IPv6 is not supported by Watch Dog heartbeat #21

Open OneMoreSec opened 5 years ago

OneMoreSec commented 5 years ago

I am using Pgpool II 3.7.3. Property "heartbeat_destination" is set as an IPv6, and it produces an error that is "failed to send watchdog heartbeat, gethostbyname() failed". Does this property only support IPv4?

pgpool-tmp commented 5 years ago

Currently Pgpool-II supports IPv6 only for PostgreSQL backend server and bind address of Pgpool-II itself. Other than this, including watchdg hearbeat, do not support IPv6.

cbid71 commented 1 month ago

Hello, Is there some news about this point ?

I tried for the last days to make it work under pgpool 4.4.4 , maybe I should habe RTFM earlier, but the code was blocking on this point :

2024-05-22 13:05:09.204: heart_beat_sender pid 63087: ERROR:  failed to send watchdog heartbeat, gethostbyname() failed
2024-05-22 13:05:09.204: heart_beat_sender pid 63087: DETAIL:  gethostbyname on "myserver" failed with reason: "No address associated with name"

I was reproducing the problem under python, maybe was it related to this problem ?

[gethostbyname()]( does not support IPv6 name resolution, and [getaddrinfo()]( should be used instead for IPv4/v6 dual stack support.
rnalrd commented 2 weeks ago

+1 in having full dual-stack support, from frontend to backend