pgpool / pgpool2

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Hanging pgPool service on production #43

Closed KarolLipnicki closed 3 months ago

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago
  1. OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.3 (Plow)
  2. pgPool versions:

On two servers, server #1 and server #2 we databases database1. Sometimes, I don't know why - but in log is then visible:

2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281883: ERROR: unable to read data from frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281883: DETAIL: EOF encountered with frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281873: ERROR: unable to read data from frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281873: DETAIL: EOF encountered with frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281875: ERROR: unable to read data from frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.020: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281875: DETAIL: EOF encountered with frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.021: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281886: ERROR: unable to read data from frontend 2024-03-11 09:37:07.021: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver pid 3281886: DETAIL: EOF encountered with frontend

Postgresql in all time is running on both servers in this time but command

psql -h localhost -p 9999 -U pgpool postgres -c "show pool_nodes"

hangs and remote clients can't execute their queries

PgPool config file: pgpool.conf.txt

Postgres db config file: postgresql.conf.txt

tatsuo-ishii commented 3 months ago

My guess why psql hangs is, your configurations does not satisfy the requirement described in the docs:

    max_pool*num_init_children <= (max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections) (no query canceling needed)
    max_pool*num_init_children*2 <= (max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections) (query canceling needed)

In your configurations, max=connections = 1000, superuser_reserved_connections = 3, num_init_children = 300, max_pool = 4.

max_pool*num_init_children = 300 * 4 = 1200
max_connections - superuser_reserved_connections = 1000 - 3 = 997

This does not satisfy the formula even if you do not allow query cancel.

Regarding the error messages, it means that the clients disconnected to pgpool without a terminate message, which is required by the PostgreSQL protocol. The causes could be application bugs, client process gets killed or the network connections between clients and pgpool was broken. You should examine application logs or server logs.

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago

@pengbo0328 @tatsuo-ishii i've changed it to:

PgPool config: num_init_children = 300

Postgres config: max_connections = 1000

How should I configure it?

tatsuo-ishii commented 3 months ago

You need to satisfy the formula in the docs. For example,:

num_init_children = 200
max_pool = 4
max_connections = 1000
superuser_reserved_connections = 3

(if no query cancel is required)

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago

I have set like this above and application generates ~400 idle connections. I don't know how to handle this and what to do :(

tatsuo-ishii commented 3 months ago

application generates ~400 idle connections

What do you exactly mean by this? "state" column from pg_stat_activity?

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago

Yes, in pg_stat_activity I see 400 connections in state "Idle"

tatsuo-ishii commented 3 months ago

That's normal. pgpool creates connections to PostgreSQL and keeps them for next use. This is the basic idea of connection pool.

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago

So this connections amount is OK.

That configuration will be OK?


num_init_children = 200 max_pool = 4 connection_life_time = 30 client_idle_limit = 30

postgresql.conf max_connections = 1200 superuser_reserved_connections = 3

tatsuo-ishii commented 3 months ago

Yes, looks good to me.

KarolLipnicki commented 3 months ago

Thank You for your effort @tatsuo-ishii :)