pgrzesiecki / laravel-acl

Advanced ACL for Laravel
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Can't install it via composer to L5 project #6

Closed userVF closed 9 years ago

userVF commented 9 years ago

Hello szarik88! This package is what i need, but when "composer update" is performed the error occurs:

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1

My require section in composer.json:

"require": { "laravel/framework": "5.0.*", "signes/acl": "dev-master" },

I found here that Required: Laravel >= 4.2 My version is 5.0.14. Maybe I'm not well familiar with a composer work. Please could you help me with this issue? Thanx.

pgrzesiecki commented 9 years ago

Hello, Unfortunately Laravel 5 is not yet supported. I'll do my best to update this package to Laravel 5 as soon as possible.

userVF commented 9 years ago

It would be very well!

pgrzesiecki commented 9 years ago

Thanks you for your patience. You can try new version, which is compatible with Laravel 5. Try code from Laravel5 branch.

userVF commented 9 years ago

hi I installed the package from L5 branch. On migrate stage a few errors occurs. 1)Violating not-null constraint for "created_at/updated_at" fields during the tables populating: acl_groups acl_group_roles acl_roles acl_users Solved (for PostgreSQL): //$table->timestamps(); $table->timestamp('created_at')->default(DB::raw('now()::timestamp(0)')); $table->timestamp('updated_at')->default(DB::raw('now()::timestamp(0)'));

2)Violating not-null constraint for "remember_token" field during the acl_users populating. Solved: $table->string('remember_token', 150)->nullable();

That's my quick solutions to continue the package testing.

pgrzesiecki commented 9 years ago

Feel free to add pull request. I'll check this problem as soon as possible. On MySQL there is no problem with types. Probably, as you describe, it is only on PostgreSQL.