pguimier / linjapitomolipu

Monotype font for toki pona hieroglyphs
MIT License
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bad rendering of single-letter words (OSX / Pages application) #1

Open brunobord opened 4 years ago

brunobord commented 4 years ago

Hello there.

Very nice font so far, very promising! I know it's in its early stages, but a quick feedback as I've tested its latest version (linjapitomolipu.0.2.ttf) and it shows that single-letter words ("e", "a", "o"...) are not correctly rendered, as shown in the screen capture below.


As you can see, surprisingly, adding a "!" after "a" or "o" improves the rendering, but it adds a weird space before and/or after the sitelen.

Application used is Pages (8.2.1) on OSX (10.14.6 - Mojave)

pguimier commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the review. For now, to render a, e, o, its with a "!" or by doubling the letter like "aa". Unfortunately, I didn't find for now the way to use "a+space" correctly in ligatures with inkscape. But it is possible with fontforge. It will be fixed in the next version. The space issue as well.

pguimier commented 4 years ago

I released v0.3. Does it work now ?

brunobord commented 4 years ago

mmmm it partially solves the problem I'm afraid.

As you can see below, the single letters, when they're on their own or followed by a "!" are rightfully rendered. But with periods, it doesn't work. note it does not work either with commas and if the single-letter-word is at the end of the text, it finally renders as a sitelen pona when it's followed by a new line or a space.


pguimier commented 4 years ago

ok I added period, comma, nbspace and colon detection after a, e, o. For the end of line, I dunno for now how to do it. BTW, linja pona works better in those situations, so it is possible.

brunobord commented 4 years ago

isn't linja pona some kind of witchcraft? ;o)

maybe it could be possible to get in touch with @janSame (or @davidar, author of this very cool fork: and ask them for help?

pguimier commented 4 years ago

Maybe :) I'm looking into linja pona sources. BTW, I'm not using fontmake, but inkscape and fontforge. But there is a way, I'm sure. I'm new to this ;)