I am getting the same error when querying for similar vector. I have looked at the 50 as well as others linked there but still can't resolve. My encoding and insertions work correctly. I am using sentence transformer encoding and inserting by converting it into numpy.array using the following code
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import numpy as np
from pgvector.psycopg import register_vector
import psycopg
model = SentenceTransformer('multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1')
#read dataframe from csv and get the list to be encoded
string_list = list(df["NAME"][:10])
#Encode the string list
string_embeddings = model.encode(string_list)
conn = psycopg.connect(connection parameters)
conn.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector')
conn.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS master_vec')
conn.execute('CREATE TABLE master_vec (master_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, name text, embedding vector(384))')
for master_name, embedding in zip(string_list, string_embeddings):
conn.execute('INSERT INTO master_vec (name, embedding) VALUES (%s, %s)', (name, np.array(embedding)))
#verify insertion
master_id = 1
neighbors = conn.execute('SELECT name FROM master_vec WHERE master_id != %(id)s ORDER BY embedding <=> (SELECT embedding FROM master_vec WHERE master_id = %(id)s) LIMIT 5', {'id': master_id}).fetchall()
for neighbor in neighbors:
this works as expected and gives me the 10 records that are inserted
Now doing the semantic search
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import numpy as np
from pgvector.psycopg import register_vector
import psycopg
model = SentenceTransformer('multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1')
conn = psycopg.connect(connection parameters)
target = 'target string'
target_embedding = model.encode(target)
target_embedding = np.array(target_embedding)
neighbors = conn.execute('SELECT name FROM master_vec ORDER BY embedding <-> %s LIMIT 3', target_embedding).fetchall()
for neighbor in neighbors:
This fails with TypeError: query parameters should be a sequence or a mapping, got ndarray
I get the same TypeError irrespective of whether I convert the embeddings to a numpy.array or not. If I use a list then it gives me the error ProgrammingError: the query has 1 placeholders but 384 parameters were passed. These same errors are obtained even if cast embeddings as a vector in the query. What am I doing wrong here?
I am getting the same error when querying for similar vector. I have looked at the 50 as well as others linked there but still can't resolve. My encoding and insertions work correctly. I am using sentence transformer encoding and inserting by converting it into numpy.array using the following code
this works as expected and gives me the 10 records that are inserted Now doing the semantic search
This fails with TypeError: query parameters should be a sequence or a mapping, got ndarray I get the same TypeError irrespective of whether I convert the embeddings to a numpy.array or not. If I use a list then it gives me the error ProgrammingError: the query has 1 placeholders but 384 parameters were passed. These same errors are obtained even if cast embeddings as a vector in the query. What am I doing wrong here?