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[Question] Why is ko-fi blocked? #14

Closed TFWol closed 1 year ago

TFWol commented 1 year ago

Tool used (pick one):

What service are you trying to use?'

What does not work? Can't browse to website.

Which rule you believe is causing this? Commit: added ko-fi

ph00lt0 commented 1 year ago

3rd party scripts seems unnecessary for websites to function. Does it bother you?

TFWol commented 1 year ago

I was curious since it's like buymeacoffee. Is it blocked just for bad website practice?

ph00lt0 commented 1 year ago

no idea, we do not keep record of reasons but if it's unnecessary for a website to function i see no reason to unblock it. Anything that is an unnecessary third party we do block, minimizing exposure of the user. See no benefit in having this shown to a visitor.