Hook need to be queue-able and it has to be possible to add a queue from everywhere - not only in the initialization - to make greenishSlides-plugins possible.
// this would be possible with either queue() or bind(). BUT:
Hooks need to be able to affect the process -> returns need to be accessible.
=> need functions triggerHook(data) and bindHook();
triggerHook() ala "what comes around goes around" with: if false -> break.
Hook handling needs to be build.
Hook need to be queue-able and it has to be possible to add a queue from everywhere - not only in the initialization - to make greenishSlides-plugins possible.
// this would be possible with either queue() or bind(). BUT:
Hooks need to be able to affect the process -> returns need to be accessible.
=> need functions triggerHook(data) and bindHook(); triggerHook() ala "what comes around goes around" with: if false -> break.