phHartl / eu-judgement-analyse

Quantitative analysis of judgments of the European Court of Justice
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Lookup table for stored identifiers #29

Closed thomfischer closed 4 years ago

thomfischer commented 4 years ago
Currently only the IDs of people/institution/etc are stored, since this fully sufficient for data analysis. However, in the web application, being able to display a verbose equivalent would be advantageous. Preferably create a dedicated document in our database for that purpose. ID Label
COMM Comission
B European Community (EEC/EC)
phHartl commented 4 years ago
Subject matter
- Accession (ADH) - Accession compensatory amounts (COMP) - Accession to agreement (ACCE) - Access to documents (ACCD) - Accounting and reporting (c_64a25727) - Acts of the institutions (ACTE) - Adjustment (ADAP) - administrative cooperation (COAD) - African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices (ENTR) - Agreements and concentrations (ENCO) - Agricultural structural funds (FEADER) - Agricultural structures (STRA) - Agriculture and Fisheries (AGRI) - Alcohol (ALCO) - Animal feedingstuffs (AL-A) - anti-discrimination (DISC) - Approximation of laws (RAPL) - area of freedom, security and justice (ELSJ) - Assistance (ASSI) - Associated African States and Madagascar (EAMA) - Association Agreement (ASSO) - asylum policy (ASIL) - Auditing (c_7b45b05f) - Authentication (AUTH) - Balance of payments (BPAI) - Bananas (BANA) - Banking supervision (c_76b44336) - Banknotes and coins, means of payment and currency matters (c_c55af8ef) - Beef and veal (BOV) - Border checks (FRON) - Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 (CECC) - Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 - Enforcement (EXEC) - Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 - Jurisdiction (COMT) - Budget (BUDG) - Capital of the ECB (c_6c9bbb79) - Capital requirements (c_adb3ab0f) - Cash changeover (c_64b94fae) - CCT: derogations (TDCM) - CCT: franchise (TDCF) - Cereals (CERE) - Charges having an equivalent effect (TEEQ) - Charter of Fundamental Rights (CHDF) - Citizenship of the Union (CIT) - civil protection (PCIV) - Close cooperation (c_db8034fd) - Closer cooperation (CORE) - Coal (CHAR) - Cocoa (CAC) - Coffee (CAFE) - Cohesion Fund (COHE) - Coin issuance (c_7ca072c7) - Coke (COKE) - Commercial policy (PCOM) - Common customs tariff (TDC) - Common customs tariff: temporary importation (ADMI) - Common foreign and security policy (PESC) - Common organisation of agricultural markets (OCM) - Community transit systems (RTRA) - Competition (CONC) - Concentrations between undertakings (MERG) - Concerted practices (PRAT) - Conditions of employment (c_f3f2224d) - Confidentiality (c_cc640542) - Conjunctural policy (CONJ) - conservation of marine biological resources (CRBM) - Consumer protection (PROT) - Conversion rates for the ECU (ECU) - Cooperation (COOP) - Cooperation in the field of banking supervision (c_206cfcfa) - Coordination of structural instruments (COOR) - Copyright and related rights (DADV) - Cork (LIEG) - Cotton (COTO) - culture (CULT) - Customs Cooperation (DOUA) - Customs duties: authorisation to defer application of CCT (TDCD) - Customs duties: Community tariff quotas (TDCC) - Customs duties: national tariff quotas (TDCN) - Customs duties: speed-up decisions (TDCA) - Customs duties: suspensions (TDCS) - Customs procedures (RDOU) - Customs Union (UD) - Data protection (PDON) - Data protection matters (c_69c82520) - Designs (DEMO) - Development cooperation (CDEV) - Dissemination of information (DIFF) - Dominant position (POSI) - Dry fodder (FDES) - Dumping (DUMP) - ECB institutional provisions (c_d82c4c81) - economic, financial and technical cooperation with third countries (COPT) - economic, social and territorial cohesion (COES) - Economic and monetary policy (PEM) - Economic and Monetary Union (UEM) - Economic policy (PECO) - ECSC matters (CECA) - ECSC unified common tariff (TUC) - Education, vocational training and youth (EFPJ) - Eggs and poultry (O-V) - Electronic data processing (INFQ) - Employment (EMPL) - Energy (ENER) - Environment (ENV) - Euratom matters (CEEA) - Eur Foundation Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (FEVT) - Euro (EURO) - Euro banknotes issuance (c_5cd67341) - Euro banknotes production (c_68aa4a7e) - European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEAGA) - European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) (FEOG) - European Central Bank (ECB) (BCE) - European Convention on Human Rights (CEDH) - European Development Fund (EDF) (FED) - European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (AELE) - European Investment Bank (EIB) (BEI) - European Monetary Institute (IME) - European political cooperation (COPE) - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (FEDE) - European Social Fund (ESF) (FSE) - European system of central banks (SEBC) - Euro short term rate (c_f7fa4b33) - Eurosystem reserve management services (c_af796aa3) - Exchange of information and public access to documents (c_4e12d83d) - Exchange rate mechanism (ERM II) (c_18755e4d) - Excise duties (ACCI) - Exclusive agreements (EXCL) - external action by the Union (DIPL) - External relations (EXT) - External relations matters (c_6f402b92) - External transactions and positions (c_abd72d0f) - Financial accounts (c_04b171e5) - Financial assistance (c_3e1e305a) - Financial market stability (c_b1a922fd) - Financial provisions (FIN) - Financial provisions ECSC (FINC) - Fisheries policy (PECH) - Flax and hemp (L-CH) - Food aid (ALIM) - Foodstuffs (D-AL) - Foreign exchange (c_714f9151) - Foreign exchange and Foreign reserves (c_0e6e516f) - Foreign reserves (c_eb901451) - Forestry (SILV) - Fraud prevention (c_cd594a3b) - Free circulation (LPRA) - Freedom of establishment (LES) - Freedom to provide services (SERV) - Free movement of capital (LCC) - Free movement of goods (LCM) - Free movement of persons (LCP) - Free movement of workers (LCT) - French overseas departments (DOM) - Fruit and vegetables (F-L) - Fuels (COMB) - Fundamental rights (DFON) - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - General framework (c_726ab1b3) - General principles of Community law (DROIT) - General provisions (DGEN) - General statistics (c_6365150f) - Hard coal (HOUI) - Hard fibres (FD) - Harmonisation of customs law: Community transit (HART) - Harmonisation of customs law: customs territory (HARD) - Harmonisation of customs law: inward processing (HARP) - Harmonisation of customs law: origin of goods (HARO) - Harmonisation of customs law: value for customs purposes (HARV) - Harmonisation of customs law: various (HARX) - Harmonisation of customs law: warehouses, free zones (HARE) - Harmonisation of laws (HARM) - Health and safety (SANI) - Hops (HOUB) - humanitarian aid (HUMA) - Human rights (DDLH) - Immigration and asylum policy (IMMI) - Indirect taxation (INDR) - Industrial policy (PIND) - Industry (INDU) - Information and verification (INFO) - Institutional structure and Governance (c_964d98cc) - Integrated Mediterranean programmes (IMP) (PIM) - Integration of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (IRDA) - Intellectual, industrial and commercial property (PROP) - Internal market - Principles (MARI) - Internal taxation (INTE) - international agreements (ACIN) - Investments (INV) - Iron (FER) - Joint undertakings (ENTC) - judicial cooperation in civil matters (COJC) - judicial cooperation in criminal matters (COJP) - Judicial proceedings (RECO) - Justice and home affairs (J-AI) - Legal framework of the ESCB (c_962003de) - Levies and loans (PREL) - Loans and subsidies (PRET) - Loans contracted by the ECSC (EMPR) - Lugano Convention (CLUG) - Measures having equivalent effect (MEEQ) - Medium-sized firms, distributive trades and craft industries (MECA) - Microprudential tasks (c_d7a89aa3) - Milk products (LAIT) - Minimum reserves (c_3ad55b09) - Monetary, financial institutions and markets statistics (c_02507fc0) - Monetary financing prohibition (c_8c4a6e26) - Monetary income (c_38e22180) - Monetary measures in the field of agriculture (MONA) - Monetary policy and Operations (c_c3e5c068) - Monetary policy instruments (c_12480e7d) - Non-Annex II EEC Treaty products (HORS) - Non-contractual liability (RESP) - Non-discrimination on grounds of nationality (NAT) - Non-trade agreement (ANCO) - Nuclear common market (NUCL) - Oils and fats (MGRA) - Ore (MIN) - Organisational principles (c_06daf249) - Overseas countries and territories (PTOM) - Oversight (c_491cdcaa) - Own resources (RPRO) - Patents (BREV) - Payment and settlement systems (c_cd441130) - Peas and field beans (POIS) - Pig iron (FONT) - Pigmeat (PORC) - Plant health legislation (PHYT) - Plants and flowers (P-F) - Plant varieties (OBT) - police cooperation (COPO) - Pollution (POLL) - Potatoes (PDET) - Preferential systems (RPRE) - Prices (PRIX) - Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties (PRIN) - Privileges and immunities (PRIV) - Procedural provisions (PROC) - Processed fruit and vegetables (FLT) - Procurement (c_40b2d24f) - Production quotas (QUOT) - Products from third countries (MEXT) - Products of Annex II EEC Treaty and Regulation No 827/68 (SOLD) - Protection of the euro (c_f6ee40b4) - Protective measures (SAUV) - Provisions governing the Institutions (INST) - Provisions implementing Article 95 - ECSC (IMPK) - Provisions under Article 235 EEC (IMPL) - public health (SANT) - public procurement in the European Union (MARC) - Quantitative restrictions (RSTR) - Quantitative restrictions and measures of equivalent effect (RQME) - Quotas between Member States (CTEM) - Quotas - third countries (CONT) - Rabbit meat and farmed game meat (V-LG) - REACH (REACH) - Regional policy (PREG) - Reporting (c_23d62986) - Research and technological development (RDT) - Research and training (RECH) - Rice (RIZ) - Right of entry and residence (DDES) - Right of establishment (ETAB) - Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 (CROM) - Rubber (CAO) - Rules of origin (ORIG) - Rules of procedure (c_29b3ace8) - Safety at work and elsewhere (SECU) - Sanctions (c_eef03101) - Scientific and technical information and documentation (IDST) - Scrap (FERR) - Scrap equalisation (PERE) - Securities holdings statistics (c_625f1587) - Security system (SECR) - Seeds and seedlings (SEME) - Sheepmeat and goatmeat (OVIN) - Shortage (PENU) - Significance assessments (c_8a588fbc) - Silkworms (VSOI) - Small and medium-sized enterprises (PME) - Social Policy (SOPO) - Social provisions (SOCI) - Social security for migrant workers (SESO) - solidarity clause (SOLI) - space (ESPA) - Special steels (ACSP) - sport (SPOR) - Staff regulations and employment conditions - EC (STAT) - State aids (AIDE) - State monopolies of a commercial character (MNOP) - Statistics (c_8e12de2a) - Steel (ACIE) - Steel industry (SIDE) - Subsidies and aids of the High Authority (SUBV) - Sugar (SUCR) - Supervisory fees (c_ac4906db) - Supervisory powers and tasks (c_05d7dbed) - Supply agency (APPR) - TARGET2-Securities (T2S) (c_c47bf652) - Taxation (FISC) - Technical barriers (ETEC) - Technology (TECN) - Telecommunications (TELE) - Temporary framework (c_594e5232) - Textiles (TXTL) - Tin (TIN) - Tobacco (TABA) - Tourism (TOUR) - Trade marks (MARQ) - Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system (TARGET2) (c_9e589776) - Trans-European networks (RTR) - Transparency (c_b21ec68a) - Transport (TRAN) - Tropical timber (BT) - Value added tax (TVA) - Value for customs purposes (VA) - Veterinary legislation (VETE) - Waste (DECH) - Wine (VIN) - World Trade Organization (OMC) -
thomfischer commented 4 years ago

Made obsolete with #33.