One can pass new contact matrices to either make_simulator() or simulate() in a entry of the values list argument. If this entry isn't passed, contact parameters will be generated with mk_contact_pars(). Currently, this function is only set up to generate contact matrices based on the Mistry ones by specifying:
age-group bins, optionally aggregating over age groups if required (starting from one year age groups)
setting weights (overall avg contacts per day per setting; used especially for intervention simulation)
However, the population sizes used to generate contact matrices are currently baked into them, so if one wants to use a different population size for simulation, the contact matrices will be inconsistent. We should add a feature to mk_contact_pars() that allows it to accept a population table in order to population-renormalize the contact matrices before returning them.
How to pop-renormalize the contact matrices?
Mistry et al. 2021 have a nice section explaining the construction of their matrices, which reveals how to population-renormalize them; see page 9 of the pdf downloadable here, under the section header "Construction of age-based contact matrices".
Equation (3) shows that row $i$ of a setting-specific component contact matrix $F^k$ (for setting $k$) is divided by the population size of age group $i$. Mistry et al published the population distributions they used to generate their contact matrices here, so we can renormalize their matrices by multiplying each element in row $i$ by (Mistry et al.'s population size for age $i$)/(the new desired population size for age $i$).
Note that each overall contact matrix, $M$ (in their notation), is simply a linear combination of the setting-specific $F$ matrices, so whether one is working directly with the setting-specific matrices or with the overall contact matrix, the same renormalization procedure would apply.
One can pass new contact matrices to either
entry of thevalues
list argument. If this entry isn't passed, contact parameters will be generated withmk_contact_pars()
. Currently, this function is only set up to generate contact matrices based on the Mistry ones by specifying:However, the population sizes used to generate contact matrices are currently baked into them, so if one wants to use a different population size for simulation, the contact matrices will be inconsistent. We should add a feature to
that allows it to accept a population table in order to population-renormalize the contact matrices before returning them.How to pop-renormalize the contact matrices?
Mistry et al. 2021 have a nice section explaining the construction of their matrices, which reveals how to population-renormalize them; see page 9 of the pdf downloadable here, under the section header "Construction of age-based contact matrices".
Equation (3) shows that row $i$ of a setting-specific component contact matrix $F^k$ (for setting $k$) is divided by the population size of age group $i$. Mistry et al published the population distributions they used to generate their contact matrices here, so we can renormalize their matrices by multiplying each element in row $i$ by (Mistry et al.'s population size for age $i$)/(the new desired population size for age $i$).
Note that each overall contact matrix, $M$ (in their notation), is simply a linear combination of the setting-specific $F$ matrices, so whether one is working directly with the setting-specific matrices or with the overall contact matrix, the same renormalization procedure would apply.