phajy / Sesto2024

Preparation for the "From the Dolomites to the Event Horizon: Sledging Down the Black Hole Potential Well" 2024 meeting in Sesto. Will include talk, data, and calculations.
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Preliminary fits #1

Closed phajy closed 2 months ago

phajy commented 2 months ago

Preliminary fits to make sure we can load data into SpectralFitting and apply simple models.



quick_look.jl will load and plot the three XMM data sets.


phajy commented 2 months ago

Can now jointly fit the XMM and NuSTAR data simultaneously. However, need a bit of help with the parameter binding syntax. I'd like to tie together the normalisations of the FPMA and FPMB for each NuSTAR dataset. However, I'm not sure how to specify which free parameters I wish to tie together since they all have the same symbol.

I'll then want to introduce a constant multiplicative component that is, e.g., fixed at 1.0 for all the XMM data sets but has a single value as a free parameter to be applied to all the NuSTAR data sets. This mitigates any cross-calibration problems. The free parameter should be $\approx 1$ as the calibration is pretty good.

phajy commented 2 months ago

Preliminary fits are completed. Decided to go with simple fits to single XMM data sets as a start. This illustrates the fitting process.

phajy commented 2 months ago

Marked as completed.