phajy / Sesto2024

Preparation for the "From the Dolomites to the Event Horizon: Sledging Down the Black Hole Potential Well" 2024 meeting in Sesto. Will include talk, data, and calculations.
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Thick disc transfer functions and lamp post models #3

Closed fjebaker closed 2 months ago

fjebaker commented 2 months ago

Added various new model wrappers for thick discs and lamp post corona. These will be upstreamed at some point with a nicer interface, but to be getting on with they are here.

Example plots for thick disc model with lamp post model:


┌ MultiFittingResult:
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00014768, 0.27450, 38.230, 3.8250, 0.17110, 0.018772, 1.9379]
│    . σᵤ    : [6.8497e-06, 0.080141, 1.0375, 1.4347, 0.059757, 0.00015179, 0.0053514]
│    . χ²    : 139.44 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [8.8219e-05, 0.27450, 38.230, 3.8250, 0.17110, 0.011631, 1.9379]
│    . σᵤ    : [5.1209e-06, 0.080141, 1.0375, 1.4347, 0.059757, 9.7374e-05, 0.0053514]
│    . χ²    : 146.80 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00012127, 0.27450, 38.230, 3.8250, 0.17110, 0.0094618, 1.9379]
│    . σᵤ    : [7.7825e-06, 0.080141, 1.0375, 1.4347, 0.059757, 8.9558e-05, 0.0053514]
│    . χ²    : 152.33 
└ Σχ² = 438.57


┌ MultiFittingResult:
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00017167, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.018205, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [1.5737e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 9.5205e-05, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 265.15 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00011368, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.011236, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [1.1126e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 6.4402e-05, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 181.05 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00015732, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.0090911, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [1.6122e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 7.2290e-05, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 160.89 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00023064, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.016988, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [3.0665e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00018584, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 351.63 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00023813, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.016579, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [3.0886e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00018598, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 346.65 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00018783, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.017725, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [1.3222e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00013033, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 1172.5 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [0.00019332, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.017371, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [1.3323e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00012849, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 1093.6 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [9.5884e-05, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.012108, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [2.1821e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00013264, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 711.72 
│    Model: CompositeModel[PowerLaw + AutoCache]
│    . u     : [7.5595e-05, 0.89068, 45.848, 1.7445, 0.26778, 0.012012, 1.9205]
│    . σᵤ    : [2.2052e-05, 0.0024420, 0.87348, 6.1997e+13, 0.041004, 0.00013356, 0.0029994]
│    . χ²    : 553.57 
└ Σχ² = 4836.8

Compilation times for the first call on fit are getting a bit severe. I have opened an issue to track this: I think I know what's causing it but I am not going to investigate this before the conference.