phajy / Sesto2024

Preparation for the "From the Dolomites to the Event Horizon: Sledging Down the Black Hole Potential Well" 2024 meeting in Sesto. Will include talk, data, and calculations.
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Spin fits #6

Closed phajy closed 2 months ago

phajy commented 2 months ago

Fitting the spin of MCG-6-30-15 using XMM and NuSTAR merged data for illustrative purposes rather than for publication

phajy commented 2 months ago

For simplicity I decided to use merged data sets. These are perfectly fine for the purposes of the presentation although for publication we should jointly fit all the data sets.

A few modifications I need to make before this PR is ready for merging

phajy commented 2 months ago

For the models to fit the data we need a couple of additional things:

phajy commented 2 months ago

I'm trying to do a Laor versus Gradus consistency check and am not quite sure why I'm not getting good agreement. Could it be the emissivity profile? I'm trying to fit the merged XMM data alone and get the following fits (sorry the code I've uploaded more recently is a bit bad). Here are two comparison plots:

Laor model


Gradus convolved line only model


The Laor only fit is comparable to what I get in XSPEC. The model is simply a power law plus + broad iron line (either Laor or the Gradus model). The Laor model has the line energy frozen at 6.4 keV, emissivity frozen at 3.0, r_in frozen at 1.235, r_out frozen at 400, inclination is $\sim 35$. The normalisations and photon index are free parameters.

I should directly compare the Laor and Gardus line profiles - I've not checked that yet! In any case, I think writing this has helped me :)

phajy commented 2 months ago

@fjebaker I think laor_comparison.jl should produce the same line profile in two different ways but there is a discrepancy. Any idea why this might not be doing what I think it should?


phajy commented 2 months ago

Fixed - needed to ensure we were using SpectralFitting v0.5.13


(N.B. relative normalisation is by eye).

phajy commented 2 months ago

And perfectly consistent with Laor model


fjebaker commented 2 months ago

I'm wondering why the Laor model has a slightly different slope... iirc in one of Dauser's papers he compares his relline to laor and they agree very closely, and we agree very closely with relline, so am curious as to what's causing that difference.

Edit: not to investigate now, but after the conference.

phajy commented 2 months ago

I think I've got decent enough plots for the spin fits to justify closing and merging this branch which I will now do!