In v.5 of Phalcon there are changes not fixed in the documentation samples as
Moved Phalcon\Di to Phalcon\Di\Di
Moved Phalcon\Loader to Phalcon\Autoload\Loader
Moved Phalcon\Url to Phalcon\Mvc\Url
Moved Phalcon\Registry to Phalcon\Support\Registry
Moved Phalcon\Version to Phalcon\Support\Version
Moved Phalcon\Debug to Phalcon\Support\Debug
Moved Phalcon\Config to Phalcon\Config\Config
Moved Phalcon\Filter to Phalcon\Filter\Filter
Moved Phalcon\Cache to Phalcon\Cache\Cache
Moved Phalcon\Logger to Phalcon\Logger\Logger
In v.5 of Phalcon there are changes not fixed in the documentation samples as Moved Phalcon\Di to Phalcon\Di\Di Moved Phalcon\Loader to Phalcon\Autoload\Loader Moved Phalcon\Url to Phalcon\Mvc\Url Moved Phalcon\Registry to Phalcon\Support\Registry Moved Phalcon\Version to Phalcon\Support\Version Moved Phalcon\Debug to Phalcon\Support\Debug Moved Phalcon\Config to Phalcon\Config\Config Moved Phalcon\Filter to Phalcon\Filter\Filter Moved Phalcon\Cache to Phalcon\Cache\Cache Moved Phalcon\Logger to Phalcon\Logger\Logger