phamtrantriem / digital-sinage-android

Digital signage Android app with API gateway use Xibo local CMS
5 stars 8 forks source link

Clarification Request #2

Open MekdemG opened 1 year ago

MekdemG commented 1 year ago

Hey am looking for a bit of clarification on the android player you designed.

  1. Is the licensing fee removed so it can work free?
  2. Can i host your CMS on a cloud server & use it? Am more of a marketing person not an IT one trying to start a small signage platform in Ethiopia. Please help me setup the system. Thank you
hapishyguy commented 1 year ago

It doesn't work. Its too many errors.

duder78 commented 1 year ago

This works but takes a bit of effort. Familiarity with NodeJS development and client/server functionalities is needed to run the API Gateway. Basic knowledge of Docker is also needed to mount and run the Docker container with the Xibo CMS. Some experience with web server system administration in Linux is ideal if there are plans to run in production . Familiarity with Android Studio is needed to compile the Android App.

I managed to get it working as seen within the video within this repo: 1) docker container was mounted and accessible on local host 2) API gateway was also running after server key was replaced with the one found in Settings for CMS running in container and 3) Android App was built successfully after updating Gradle using wizard with Android Studio. I didn’t get the video to run in Emulator though, but it worked when I connected my phone wirelessly and targeted the device instead of the emulator.

It’s seems to be more of a proof-of-concept and definitely needs to be refined further for people’s needs but it’s a great jumping off point. Criminal that this repo only has only 3 stars…appreciate the author sharing this.

phamtrantriem commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry all you guys, it's been a long time since I tried to do it, now I've been working on game graphics for more than a years. I'm sorry I can't help you guys with the issue :(( If someone can run it successfully, hope you guys leave a piece of information to help the others, or you can re-push a good version instead of mine. Thank you all for your attention.