phanirithvij / mpv-config

My mpv config
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Linux portability? #1

Open trappedinspacetime opened 3 years ago

trappedinspacetime commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to port save_last_pos.lua to Linux?

phanirithvij commented 3 years ago

I don't have much experience with Linux window management but you can start here Let me know if you can implement it or I'll try (but I don't have enough spare time so it's very likely to take a week or more)

trappedinspacetime commented 3 years ago

@phanirithvij Thank you for responding and your help. I created two scripts; save-pos bash script:

    xdotool search --sync --class mpv getwindowgeometry > ~/.config/mpv/scripts/last_window_coords.txt


      function on_exit() {
          var winpossave = mp.command_native({
              name: "subprocess",
              playback_only: false,
              capture_stdout: true,
              args : ["save-pos"]
      mp.register_event("shutdown", on_exit);

Output of last_window_coords.txt:

      Window 102760450
        Position: 5,279 (screen: 0)
        Geometry: 960x480

I use notorius X11, so output of window position via xdotool is not reliable, sometimes it fails to reach MPV window on the screen. MPV provides a native property for pid mp.utils.getpid() but provides no window id property. In X11 you need a hacky way to obtain window id from its pid In the first link you posted above there is xgeometry.c, I built it, it works well but it needs window id instead of pid

summing-up: it kind of works.

trappedinspacetime commented 3 years ago

I made it work using the following scripts: