phanx-wow / PhanxChat

WoW AddOn — Removes chat frame clutter and adds some functionality.
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BFA Pre-Patch Issues #23

Closed Mythris29 closed 6 years ago

Mythris29 commented 6 years ago

I think the Addon is mostly working but I did notice that the edit bar no longer appears above the chat window.

I'm also getting the following errors after logging in (maybe related to the edit bar not appearing above chat?):

29x PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:73: attempt to index local 'upButton' (a nil value) PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:73: in function HideButtons' PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:103: in function?' PhanxChat\Core.lua:414: in function `?' PhanxChat\Core.lua:429: in function <PhanxChat\Core.lua:427>

Locals: self =

{ SetMoveEditBox = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\MoveEditBox.lua:60 ChannelNames =
{ } ProcessFrame = defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:307 SetShortenChannelNames = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ShortenChannelNames.lua:35 RunOnProcessFrame =
{ } SetLinkURLs = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LinkURLs.lua:62 SetEnableResizeEdges = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:175 HideButtons = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:37 debug = false FadeTime = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\FadeTime.lua:12 isLoading = true RunOnLoad =
{ } SetFadeTime = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\FadeTime.lua:21 defaults =
{ } name = "PhanxChat" SetHideButtons = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:96 HideFlash = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideFlash.lua:13 SetShowClassColors = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ShowClassColors.lua:13 HideTextures = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideTextures.lua:69 SetReplaceRealNames = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:91 bnetNames =
{ } PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 STRING_STYLE = "%s| " BN_FRIEND_TOON_ONLINE = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 ShortStrings =
{ } ClearBNetNameCache = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 EnableResizeEdges = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:93 SetEnableSticky = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableSticky.lua:28 SetEnableArrows = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableArrows.lua:86 BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 BN_CONNECTED = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 frames =
{ } db =
{ } L =
{ } SetHideNotices = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideNotices.lua:23 LockTabs = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LockTabs.lua:18 SetHideFlash = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideFlash.lua:23 SetHideTextures = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideTextures.lua:248 SetHideRepeats = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideRepeats.lua:53 ADDON_LOADED = defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:361 RegisterEvent = defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:432 ItemRefTooltip_SetHyperlink = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LinkURLs.lua:52 MoveEditBox = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\MoveEditBox.lua:26 EnableArrows = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableArrows.lua:73 hooks =
{ } SetChatWindowLocked = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:156 SetLockTabs = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LockTabs.lua:39 OptionsPanel = { } FCF_SetWindowColor = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:140 frame = { } UnregisterEvent = defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:433 FCF_SetWindowAlpha = defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:124 } frame = ChatFrame8 { SetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1 RefreshIfNecessary = defined =[C]:-1 OnPostShow = defined =[C]:-1 CalculateLineAlphaValueFromTimestamp = defined =[C]:-1 isLayoutDirty = true tellTimer = 176570.286 OnFontObjectUpdated = defined =[C]:-1 GetFading = <function

Santriani69 commented 6 years ago

My issues with BFA pre-patch:

x1 PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:50: attempt to index local 'upButton' (a nil value) Stack: PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:50: in function 'HideButtons' PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:103: in function '?' PhanxChat\Core.lua:414: in function '?' PhanxChat\Core.lua:429: in function <PhanxChat\Core.lua:427> Time: 2018/07/23 14:24:25 Index: 1/7 RealUI Version: 2.0.1 Locals: self = <table> { SetMoveEditBox = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\MoveEditBox.lua:60 ChannelNames = <table> {} ProcessFrame = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:307 SetShortenChannelNames = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ShortenChannelNames.lua:35 RunOnProcessFrame = <table> {} SetLinkURLs = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LinkURLs.lua:62 SetEnableResizeEdges = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:175 HideButtons = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:37 debug = false FadeTime = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\FadeTime.lua:12 isLoading = true RunOnLoad = <table> {} SetFadeTime = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\FadeTime.lua:21 defaults = <table> {} name = "PhanxChat" SetHideButtons = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideButtons.lua:96 HideFlash = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideFlash.lua:13 SetShowClassColors = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ShowClassColors.lua:13 HideTextures = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideTextures.lua:69 SetReplaceRealNames = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:91 bnetNames = <table> {} PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 STRING_STYLE = "%s| " BN_FRIEND_TOON_ONLINE = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 ShortStrings = <table> {} ClearBNetNameCache = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 EnableResizeEdges = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:93 SetEnableSticky = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableSticky.lua:28 SetEnableArrows = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableArrows.lua:86 BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 BN_CONNECTED = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\ReplaceRealNames.lua:76 frames = <table> {} db = <table> {} L = <table> {} SetHideNotices = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideNotices.lua:23 LockTabs = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LockTabs.lua:18 SetHideFlash = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideFlash.lua:23 SetHideTextures = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideTextures.lua:248 SetHideRepeats = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\HideRepeats.lua:53 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:361 RegisterEvent = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:432 ItemRefTooltip_SetHyperlink = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LinkURLs.lua:52 MoveEditBox = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\MoveEditBox.lua:26 EnableArrows = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableArrows.lua:73 hooks = <table> {} SetChatWindowLocked = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:156 SetLockTabs = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\LockTabs.lua:39 OptionsPanel = <unnamed> {} FCF_SetWindowColor = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:140 frame = <unnamed> {} UnregisterEvent = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Core.lua:433 FCF_SetWindowAlpha = <function> defined @PhanxChat\Modules\EnableResizeEdges.lua:124 } frame = ChatFrame1 { SetJustifyV = <function> defined =[C] RefreshIfNecessary = <function> defined =[C] OnPostShow = <function> defined =[C] CalculateLineAlphaValueFromTimestamp = <function> defined =[C] isLayoutDirty = true tellTimer = 14172.679 isDisplayDirty = true GetFading = <function> defined =[C] IsTextCop

`x1 PhanxChat\Core.lua:179: bad argument #1 to 'strmatch' (string expected, got nil) Stack: [C] ? PhanxChat\Core.lua:179: in function <PhanxChat\Core.lua:175> [C] in function 'ChatEdit_UpdateHeader' FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2950: in function 'ChatFrame_ConfigEventHandler' FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2882: in function 'ChatFrame_OnEvent'

Time: 2018/07/23 14:24:29 Index: 6/7 RealUI Version: 2.0.1 Locals: (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "%[(%d+)%. ?([^%s:%-%]]+)[^%]]%](.)" (*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"`
