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Website sharing private links to presentation materials #114

Open aclark02-arcus opened 1 month ago

aclark02-arcus commented 1 month ago

Hi @pharmaR/ws-communications, I noticed that the Community Meetings section of the website contains many links to presentation materials that are on the pharmaR/events repo. Last I knew, this repo wasn't public so I assume your average visitor to our site does not have access.


I believe some of the content on this repo is sensitive, so I'd suggest getting with @dgkf to create a new public repo called "Community Meetings" or may be a more generic "Resources" repo that can be populated with final copies of presentation materials and other content we wish to share with the public?

I know this conference is fast approaching, but is there anyway this could be resolved before our Posit Conf presentation on Aug 11? Thanks!

dgkf commented 1 month ago

We can definitely create a new repo to house meeting notes, but it might also be worth looking into opening up the pharmaR/events repo so it's public. I think I'd prefer this approach to avoid yet another repo.

I don't think there's any issue with making the pharmaR/events repo public, but just to be cautious and make sure we're not releasing anyones' slides more publicly than they intended I think we should email all the contributors to the repo and confirm that they're okay with the change.

jcabercrombie commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the input, @dgkf!

@aclark02-arcus - Thank you for identifying these "broken" links! @dgkf , @anujadas185, and I discussed offline and have devised an email to send to the contributors for the event repository for their consent in making the repo public. We plan to send it off by EOD tomorrow and give recipients two weeks (until Friday, August 23rd) to consent to their content being made public. We will assume consent after the two-week period for those who do not reply, which will allow us to make the repository public the following week and these links will work properly without needing to update the metadata sheet for it. Doug mentioned that those on the list of contributors seem like they would approve anyway, but we are ensuring our due diligence. Thus, this issue will not be resolved by the time of posit::conf(2024) but after. Nonetheless, Anuja and I have worked to have all of the other small hyperlink issues resolved and are even adding content to the new glossary page and current presentation page to make the website even more up-to-date in time for the conference by EOD tomorrow.