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Initiate an updated Examples page #98

Closed AARON-CLARK closed 11 months ago

AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

PR seeks to close

However, I just noticed #69 was initiated a long time ago. Do we want to adopt anything from that resource? No commentary was given as to why it was not merged.


AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

Agree that would be best to link to vignettes as suggested above. Then, the example tab becomes a place where we highlight different implementations of the framework compiled by the R consortium marketing team based on the case studies?

^ Comment found here.

@jmanitz, does this new format proposed in this PR help set you up for your new R Consortium marketing team efforts regarding case studies? If not, let me know if I can make any changes. Or if you prefer to edit this page later, that's fine too. I just wanted to make sure we got the links to riskmetric and riskassessment vignettes established. Thanks!

AARON-CLARK commented 11 months ago

New Preview
