pharmaR / regulatory-r-repo-wg

Package consensus for regulated industries
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Kickoff meeting (2022-11-16) #6

Closed dgkf closed 1 year ago

dgkf commented 1 year ago


What skills do we have, what skills do we need?

The remainder of the meeting focused on aligning our skills sets to understand whether we need more representation in part of the project.

Naturally, an initiative that has deeply technical roots draws quite a technical crowd. The majority of participants saw themselves as primarily technical contributors, with a few folks who saw themselves contributing primarily as industry ties or project organizers.

To make sure we are building intentionally, we want to make sure that our first steps build these ties. We want to leverage our neighboring initiatives (the pharmaverse, riskmetric + app, and the R Submissions WG).


For all on the call (or anyone who wants to get involved). Our first course of action is to use this repository's discussion board to do some asynchronous ideation. This will help populate our to-do list after a bit of triaging.