pharmaR / riskassessment

Risk Assessment Demo App:
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Concurrent Users #770

Open jthompson-arcus opened 2 months ago

jthompson-arcus commented 2 months ago

Currently the application does not take into account multiple users of the application interacting with the database at the same time. While there are events to trigger repopulating data on an intra-session basis (e.g. uploading packages causes the available package list to repopulate), there are no such mechanisms for inter-session events (e.g. user B deletes a package while user A is compiling a report on that package).

While we may not consider concurrency to be the normal interaction with the application, at least we should put in safe guards to both insure the app does not crash and give proper alerting/messaging to users when issues arise, and at best we could trigger events across sessions.