pharmaR / riskmetric

Metrics to evaluate the risk of R packages
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We need a hex logo #233

Closed emilliman5 closed 1 year ago

emilliman5 commented 2 years ago

My meager attempts at a logo


kimjj93 commented 2 years ago

I like the second and third logos but isn't that pouncing horse image copyrighted?

SHAESEN2 commented 2 years ago

I like the second/third as well but it does not represent what the package does very clearly. I think the first one is the better choice.

elong0527 commented 2 years ago

While we discussed in the meeting, we also feel the first one is preferred.

@elimillera may contact graphical designer from his organization to propose other options.

AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

@elimillera - just following up: did you ever reach out to a graphic designer at your company?

@emilliman5 et al.: just a heads up- the {riskassessment} dev team is working towards developing a hex logo - hopefully by the new year. We've had a thread to brainstorm ideas for a while. If interested, please take a look & provide feedback. If/when we get a few hex logos drafted, we'll be sure to share them with you.

Whatever the case, we want to make sure our hex is (1) aesthetically similar to {riskmetric} to build off each other's shared brand while also (2) conveying the differences between the two packages. There may be a better ways to describe the relationship between the two packages, but to me: {riskmetric} provides nonbiased toolset to evaluate & quantify risk while {riskassessment} provides an infrastructure & forum to digest, assess, and categorize that risk within an organizational context.

Just an idea, but I'm wondering if you'd consider lady justice instead of the risk horseman? She is blindfolded & holding scales showcasing her unbiased evaluation.


If {riskmetric} is lady justice, then that would make {riskassessment} the courtroom & jury, haha. Not sure how to draw that up yet. I (selfishly) do want to steal the hex logos (sorted by color) for the {riskasessment} hex since categorizing packages is probably the most important feature (or goal) of the application. May I re-purpose that idea in one of our drafts?


Any overall thoughts? Thanks!

parmsam-pfizer commented 1 year ago

Thought I'd throw an alternate hex into the mix. Here's one that I made using flaticon and Colin Fay's hexmake app. We would need to provide attribution to the icon website if we use it: Risk icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon

I also like the idea of coordinating the two hex stickers. Maybe the risk assessment hex could have some kind of app or computer monitor image matched with the riskmetric logo we go with.

AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I made a working draft based on everyone's clear interest in having some sort of scale/gauge. For riskassessment, I think having three distinct colors in the scale/gauge highlights the app's goal is to categorize packages into three groups: low, medium, and high risk. I was thinking the riskmetric version could have a more continuous gradient of colors to reflect the quantitative nature of the risk score. If people thinks that's a good idea, let me know and I'll try to work something up for riskmetric. I made a light and dark version below for fun:


I think another idea to make the hex logos look different would be to share the same color for the work "risk" in the title, but have different colors for "metric" vs "assessment".

I used this icon as a base, but customized it quite a bit to include embedded hexes

AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

Hi @emilliman5 et al.,

Along my thought pattern shared above, here are a few {riskmetric} ideas, with a continuous color gradient, and some corresponding {riskassessment} ideas (below) as well. You'll notice I created a bunch of border/hex/title color variations to choose from.


And {riskassessment}, I changed the gauge's need to a cursor, and enclosed inside a browser window. Of course, the hex tiles on the gauge only show up in three colors, to reflect the user decision, assigning pkgs with the 'low', 'medium', or 'high' risk category.



elimillera commented 1 year ago

@AARON-CLARK It got a look but I haven't heard back. I love your hexes though! I would vote for the one in the top right

emilliman5 commented 1 year ago

Team voted for #3 and #4 for riskmetric

AARON-CLARK commented 1 year ago

fyi, after taking into account the in-person vote today - I consolidated the decision down to the two options to present to the RValHub exec committee next week: left vs right. As you can see, the riskassessment hex logo is nearly the inverse colors of the riskmetric hex. Thanks!


emilliman5 commented 1 year ago

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