pharmaR / riskmetric

Metrics to evaluate the risk of R packages
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Update required to package overview help file #311

Closed elimillera closed 10 months ago

elimillera commented 10 months ago

Received the following from CRAN. Low priority so we can get this out along with some functionality changes.

Dear maintainer,

You have file 'riskmetric/man/riskmetric.Rd' with \docType{package}, likely intended as a package overview help file, but without the appropriate PKGNAME-package \alias as per "Documenting packages" in R-exts.

This seems to be the consequence of the breaking change

Using @docType package no longer automatically adds a -package alias. Instead document _PACKAGE to get all the defaults for package documentation.

in roxygen2 7.0.0 (2019-11-12) having gone unnoticed, see

As explained in the issue, to get the desired PKGNAME-package \alias back, you should either change to the new approach and document the new special sentinel


or manually add

@aliases riskmetric-package

if remaining with the old approach.

Please fix in your master sources as appropriate, and submit a fixed version of your package within the next few months.