pharmaverse / admiral

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Documentation: diagrams for `derive_var_trtemfl` #2455

Open kaz462 opened 1 month ago

kaz462 commented 1 month ago

Please select a category the issue is focused on?

Function Documentation

Let us know where something needs a refresh or put your idea here!

Clean up the following diagram and place it in the derive_var_trtemfl documentation

flowchart TB

AEITOXGR["AEITOXGR"] -->|"missing AEITOXGR: \n AE not exist before TRTSDT"| arise1["New AE records \n within TEAE window"] --> |New|TEAE[Step 3: Flag records identified above as TEAE]

AEITOXGR -->|"non-missing AEITOXGR:  \n AE exist before TRTSDT"|Worsen1["Step 1: Identify worsened records \n (compare with the previous record) \nafter TRTSDT"]--> Worsen2["Step 2: Get the first worsen date \n after TRTSDT"]-->worsen3["All records after \n the 1st worsen date \n and within TEAE window"]--> |Worsen|TEAE

style TEAE fill:#b3ffb3,stroke:#4CAF50,stroke-width:2px
style Worsen1 fill:#b3ffb3,stroke:#4CAF50,stroke-width:2px
style Worsen2 fill:#b3ffb3,stroke:#4CAF50,stroke-width:2px