pharo-graphics / Roassal

The Roassal Visualization Engine
MIT License
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Multiple calls to show after modifications #28

Closed akevalion closed 6 months ago

akevalion commented 7 months ago

If I set up a chart and show it, then modify it and show it again, there are 2 windows. If I modify the canvas in one of them, like I zoom in, it modifies the other as well. Also the 2 versions of the chart are superposed.

arr := {-1. 0. 1. 4. 6. 7}.
chart := RSChart new.
chart horizontalTick locator: (RSFixedLocator new ticks: arr).
x := 0 to: 6 by: 0.1.
y := x sin.
chart addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: y).
chart show.
arr2 := { 2. 3. 5 }.
chart horizontalTick locator ticks: arr2.
chart show


To my mind, there should either be:

akevalion commented 6 months ago

moved to Roassal3