Closed akevalion closed 10 months ago
In the following example,
rawData := DataFrame readFromCsv: (ZnClient new get: ''). grison := rawData reject: [ :row | (row at: #abbreviation_canton_and_fl) ~= 'GR' ]. dates := (grison column: #date) collect: [ :date | date julianDayNumber ] as: Array. ... chart := RSChart new. chart add: (RSHorizontalTick new labelConversion: [ :number | Date julianDayNumber: number ]; yourself).
If roassal understood dates (or magnitudes) then no conversion from the data frame to numbers, nor number to label should have been needed!
Moved to roassal3
In the following example,
If roassal understood dates (or magnitudes) then no conversion from the data frame to numbers, nor number to label should have been needed!