pharo-graphics / Roassal

The Roassal Visualization Engine
MIT License
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Roassal charts do not understand dates #43

Closed akevalion closed 6 months ago

akevalion commented 7 months ago

In the following example,

rawData := DataFrame 
    readFromCsv: (ZnClient new 
        get: '').

grison := rawData reject: [ :row | (row at: #abbreviation_canton_and_fl) ~= 'GR' ].
dates := (grison column: #date) collect: [ :date | date julianDayNumber ] as: Array.


chart := RSChart new.
chart add: (RSHorizontalTick new
    labelConversion: [ :number | Date julianDayNumber: number ];

If roassal understood dates (or magnitudes) then no conversion from the data frame to numbers, nor number to label should have been needed!

akevalion commented 6 months ago

Moved to roassal3