pharo-graphics / Toplo

A widget framework on top of Bloc
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Examples crashing #46

Closed Enzo-Demeulenaere closed 1 year ago

Enzo-Demeulenaere commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was looking to discover Toplo with some examples in the class ToSandBox but few of them were crashing and I couldn't see those examples.

Here's a snippet to help you find these examples:

| l sels |
l := OrderedCollection new.
sels := ToSandBox class selectors.

sels do: [ :i |
        | res |
        res := [ToSandBox perform: i] on: Error do: [ l add: i ]].

l inspect

And here's the list of selectors that crashed for me (found with the snippet):

plantec commented 1 year ago

thanks. some of these example used 'space addChild: bla' instead of 'space root addChild: bla'. this is fixed. but other examples that you mention are working well here.

what is your configuration ? notice that it is currently implemented in P11.

plantec commented 1 year ago

and what do mean with 'crashing' ?

Enzo-Demeulenaere commented 1 year ago

Ok nevermind I was some commits behind on Bloc and it seems to be working now thanks a lot

Enzo-Demeulenaere commented 1 year ago

While we're at it, I just noticed #example_EditorWithPlaceholderWithToAlbumModel and #example_EditorWithPlaceholder have the exact same method body so you might want to delete one

plantec commented 1 year ago

thanks Enzo, don't hesitate to contribute :) you can push PRs