pharo-graphics / Toplo

A widget framework on top of Bloc
MIT License
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Small pass on ToSandBox and ToExperiments #68

Closed tinchodias closed 5 months ago

tinchodias commented 11 months ago

Used this script:

"demosClass := ToExperiments."
demosClass := ToSandBox.
demosClass classSide selectors sorted do: [ :each |
    [ demosClass perform: each ]
        onErrorDo: [ :e | each traceCr ] ].

and at the end:

BlOSWindowSDL2Host stop;start.
BlSpace allSubInstancesDo: #close.

These selectors have errors (I didn't fix them):

In ToExperiments: example_strategy

In ToSandBox: example_toMultiState1 example_toMultiState2 example_toMultiState2_v2_do_not_work_well example_toMultiStateWithBigBlue example_toMultiStateWithBigBlueWithAnimation example_toMultiStateWithLabel ignoring: a MCClassTraitDefinition(TToWidget classTrait) ignoring: a MCClassTraitDefinition(TToLabel classTrait)

tinchodias commented 10 months ago

Apparently still valid for master branch, but maybe cause conflict with some other branch @plantec ? I let you choose if merge or close

plantec commented 10 months ago

I didn't read this :) I will have a look thanks

tinchodias commented 5 months ago

too old