pharo-graphics / Toplo

A widget framework on top of Bloc
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Root style not applied without children blElement #76

Open labordep opened 8 months ago

labordep commented 8 months ago

To reproduce :

Theme :

ToStyleStamp name: #'background-color' value: Color blue

StyleSheet :


    ^ { ((self id: #'Space root') style: [ :sr |
               write: (self property: #background)
               with: [ :e | e stampValue: #'background-color' ] ]) }

UI code :

| space |
    space := BlSpace new.
    space toTheme: ToMyDarkTheme new.

    space show.
    ^ space

The background of the root not changed. But when I add a BlElement into the root, the background is changed.

labordep commented 8 months ago

Concern SteelSheet branch of course.