I gave a lesson today where students were using the pharo-launcher. The connection was slow and I noticed a UX problem.
Currently when we create a new image, a progress bar appears during the download or when extracting the zip. The problem is that between some steps, there is no progress bar. It would be nice to have a two level progress bar to see the general progress of the image creation and know it is not finished after the download because it still needs to extract.
I gave a lesson today where students were using the pharo-launcher. The connection was slow and I noticed a UX problem.
Currently when we create a new image, a progress bar appears during the download or when extracting the zip. The problem is that between some steps, there is no progress bar. It would be nice to have a two level progress bar to see the general progress of the image creation and know it is not finished after the download because it still needs to extract.