pharo-project / pharo-vm

This is the VM used by Pharo
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VM 10.0.5 runs OK on Raspberry Pi 5 but gives error on other models #852

Open robvanlopik opened 3 weeks ago

robvanlopik commented 3 weeks ago

On a Raspberry Pi 5 and 4 (both 8 Gb RAM, latest OS Bookworm) zero config Pharo11. On Pi5 Pharo runs OK, on Pi4 (but also on Pi3b and Pi Zero 2) it gives the error: sqAllocateMemory (src/memoryUnix.c:160):I cannot find a good memory address starting from: 0x10000000000 With logLevel=5 there is a slight difference: Pi5: sqAllocateMemory (src/memoryUnix.c:130):Requested Size 76005376 Pi4: sqAllocateMemory (src/memoryUnix.c:130):Requested Size 75997184 or 16r487C000 and 16r487A000 respectively

Since 2023-05-09 no more aarch64-VM's have been built

PalumboN commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @robvanlopik , thank for the report!

How do you download the VM? From zeroConf ? We have problems updating the new versions of some VMs there.

You can try here maybe:

robvanlopik commented 3 weeks ago

That page contains no package for Raspbian 12 (the default since a year). Actually that page is outdated, because under I do find raspbian_12. but only the 32 bits version armhf, which is useless as no 32-bits image has been built for some years. BTW, I did use zero config, but more recent VM's are nowhere to be found on

/repositories/devel:/languages:/pharo:/stable - openSUSE Download