Open labordep opened 1 month ago
I think the problem comes from FastTable but this is not so easy to fix.
We have a FTSelectableMorph that can have a selection color and this is the way we set the backaground color from the theme. But the content of this morph, that can be the text to display, is another morph added to the FTSelectableMorph. And this submorph has no idea if it is selected or not. And we can add other things than text. So it is not so easy to know how to have the secondary text color work with FastTable.
Other problem:
@jecisc a way to fix it in P12 or I need to design a new Theme?
It is not so easy to fix even in P13 due to the FastTable design :( And I did not really had time to check it more
Ok thanks @jecisc, I will try to design a new one. I think it's useful to keep this ticket open.
I want to create a new Theme. But my selection color is dark, I'm using the method "selectionTextColor" to define the text color of selected element (I suppose). The property works only in the Settings Browser, but not in the Class Browser.
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