Open Ducasse opened 3 weeks ago
Here is what I get when I run the integration tests of microdown.
######################### # 2 tests did not pass: # ######################### ReleaseTest ✗ #testUndeclared (151ms) CollectionIsEmpty: a WeakIdentitySet() is empty WeakIdentitySet(Collection)>>errorEmptyCollection WeakIdentitySet(Collection)>>emptyCheck WeakIdentitySet(Collection)>>anyOne WeakIdentitySet(WeakSet)>>anyOne [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; nextPutAll: ' in: '; print: method methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: method selector ] in [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'Found undeclared Variables: '. remaining do: [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; nextPutAll: ' in: '; print: method methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: method selector ] ] in [ "we compile a second method with the undeclared #undeclaredStubInstVar1 to trigger the code path of removing twice in #cleanOutUndeclared" self class compile: 'methodForTest ^undeclaredStubInstVar1'. Smalltalk cleanOutUndeclared. undeclaredVariables := Undeclared associations select: [ :each | each isUndeclaredVariable ]. validExceptions := { #undeclaredStubInstVar1. #undeclaredStubInstVar2. #Gofer }. "The laste one is for Smalltalk CI and our external projects... But we should find a better solution at some point." "for now we filter by name, maybe filtering by variable would be better" remaining := undeclaredVariables reject: [ :each | validExceptions includes: each name ]. "we look for one of the using methods of the undeclared var and report that, this should be enough to fix it quickly" description := String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'Found undeclared Variables: '. remaining do: [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; nextPutAll: ' in: '; print: method methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: method selector ] ]. self assert: remaining isEmpty description: description ] in ReleaseTest>>testUndeclared ...anyOne Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'Found undeclared Variables: '. remaining do: [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; description := String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'Found undeclared Variables: '. remaining do: [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; nextPutAll: ' in: '; print: method methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: method selector ] ]. self assert: remaining isEmpty description: description ] in ReleaseTest>>testUndeclared ...streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'Found undeclared Variables: '. remaining do: [ :variable | | method | method := variable usingMethods anyOne. stream cr nextPutAll: variable name; nextPutAll: ' in: '; print: method methodClass; nextPutAll: '>>'; print: method selector ] ] FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>>ensure: ReleaseTest>>testUndeclared ...ensure: [ self class removeSelector: #methodForTest ] ReleaseTest(TestCase)>>performTest ✗ #testObsoleteClasses (831ms) TestFailure: Obsolete classes remaining: an Array(AnObsoleteMicResourceReference AnObsoleteMicAbsoluteResourceReference AnObsoleteMicHTTPResourceReference AnObsoleteMicPharoImageResourceReference AnObsoleteMicrodownVisitor AnObsoleteMicArgumentList AnObsoleteMicMicrodownSharedPool AnObsoleteMicAbstractDelimiter AnObsoleteMicAnchorReferenceCloserDelimiter AnObsoleteMicAnchorReferenceOpenerDelimiter AnObsoleteMicAnnotationCloserDelimiter AnObsoleteMicAnnotationOpenerDelimiter AnObsoleteMicBoldDelimiter AnObsoleteMicFigureNameOpenerDelimiter AnObsoleteMicItalicDelimiter AnObsoleteMicLinkNameDelimiter AnObsoleteMicLinkNameCloserDelimiter AnObsoleteMicLinkNameOpenerDelimiter AnObsoleteMicMathDelimiter AnObsoleteMicMonospaceDelimiter AnObsoleteMicRawCloserDelimiter AnObsoleteMicRawOpenerDelimiter AnObsoleteMicStrikeDelimiter AnObsoleteMicElement AnObsoleteMicAbstractBlock AnObsoleteMicAbstractAnnotatedBlock AnObsoleteMicAnnotatedBlock AnObsoleteMicContinuousMarkedBlock AnObsoleteMicCommentBlock AnObsoleteMicQuoteBlock AnObsoleteMicTableBlock AnObsoleteMicListBlock AnObsoleteMicOrderedListBlock AnObsoleteMicUnorderedListBlock AnObsoleteMicListItemBlock AnObsoleteMicParagraphBlock AnObsoleteMicRootBlock AnObsoleteMicSingleLineBlock AnObsoleteMicAnchorBlock AnObsoleteMicHeaderBlock AnObsoleteMicHorizontalLineBlock AnObsoleteMicStartStopMarkupBlock AnObsoleteMicEnvironmentBlock AnObsoleteMicMetaDataBlock AnObsoleteMicSameStartStopMarkupBlock AnObsoleteMicAbstractCodeBlock AnObsoleteMicScriptBlock AnObsoleteMicPharoEvaluatorBlock AnObsoleteMicMathBlock AnObsoleteMicInlineElement AnObsoleteMicAnnotationBlock AnObsoleteMicInlineBlockWithUrl AnObsoleteMicFigureBlock AnObsoleteMicLinkBlock AnObsoleteMicTextBlock AnObsoleteMicInlineParser AnObsoleteMicrodownParser AnObsoleteMicRichTextBrush AnObsoleteMicRichTextIndentBrush AnObsoleteMicRichTextCanvas AnObsoleteMicRichTextCodeBlockStyler AnObsoleteMicTextStyler AnObsoleteMicRichTextComposer AnObsoleteMicRichTextDoIt AnObsoleteMicMorphicTextAdapter AnObsoleteMicMorphicMicrodownAdapter AnObsoleteMicScrolledTextMorph) ReleaseTest(TestAsserter)>>assert:description:resumable: ReleaseTest(TestAsserter)>>assert:description: ReleaseTest>>testObsoleteClasses ...assert: obsoleteClasses isEmpty description: [ String streamContents: [ :s| s nextPutAll: 'Obsolete classes remaining: '; print: obsoleteClasses ]] ReleaseTest(TestCase)>>performTest ########### # Summary # ########### ReleaseTest ✗ #testUndeclared (151ms) ✗ #testObsoleteClasses (831ms) Executed 765 Tests with 1 Failures and 1 Errors in 62.56s.
Here is what I get when I run the integration tests of microdown.