phase / sbhs

Sonic Battle Hack Suite - GUI program for reverse engineering & patching Sonic Battle for the GBA.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Palette writing and simplicity issues. #4

Closed lavendertheghost closed 6 years ago

lavendertheghost commented 6 years ago

I love it so far, its by far one of the easiest tools I have used to date that does anything but edit a text document. However, the process is a bit different to how you describe and I end up with the palette failing to change.

To make a sheet for the game I had to: 1) Make a 16 colour palette for my character (Blaze) consisting of the BG colour first. 2) Import that in as a PNG to convert it to GBA colours. 3) Export that as a PNG. 4) Convert my sprites into the new colour palette. 5) Put the new GBA palette in the corner of the character's sheet (I was using Sonic) 6) Make the sheet as described. 7) Import that onto Sonic, then write to ROM.

Then I end up with this: Left: In game Right: In editor bug with sbhs

The sprite imports flawlessly but the palette doesn't. I suppose this could be remedied using an older version where the palette swapping works (The one where you demo-ed Tails Doll) or changing the palette with another program.

But I am glad to finally get my hands on this and use it.

Possible false alarm, I tested it with Visual Boy Advance and it worked flawlessly, its probably something wrong with Retroarch.

phase commented 6 years ago

The sprite imports flawlessly

I like hearing that!

but the palette doesn't


This could definitely be an issue with Retroarch. I only test on mGBA, where the palettes import fine. If it is an issue with the suite, I imagine that it isn't getting the closest color in the GBA color spectrum that matches the input color. I thought I already fixed that but I'll check again.

phase commented 6 years ago
[1:17 PM] Lavender The Great: I think the GBA loads palettes into RAM prior
[1:17 PM] Lavender The Great: So a full reboot is needed of the ROM, and I used Save States
[1:20 PM] phase: hm
[1:20 PM] phase: interesting