phase1geo / Minder

Mind-mapping application for Elementary OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
976 stars 70 forks source link

Install to MacOS/Windows #622

Closed Who-are-me closed 3 weeks ago

Who-are-me commented 3 weeks ago

It is possible install on MacOS or Winsows? Maybe recompile for this OS, or making Electron app for all OS + web app

phase1geo commented 3 weeks ago

Minder is written in Vala based on GTK 3 with various library dependencies. Windows has the WSL which "might" have enough to build and run Minder, but I've never tried. macOS has brew but I've never been able to successfully build with that to date. Minder was never written with the intention of running on either of those platforms, and I have no plans to ever officially support doing that.

As for making Minder an Electron app, it would require rewriting the entire application using web technologies, which is something I have no desire to do.

Who-are-me commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for Perfect App! and answer