phase2 / generator-outrigger-drupal

Yeoman generator that weaves together Outrigger with other best-in-class tools for your Drupal project.
MIT License
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Deprecate the script in favor of using the underlying tools #59

Closed grayside closed 7 years ago

grayside commented 7 years ago

The script was created early in establishing the environment sub-generator's original code. The intention:

However, over time, a few more things came up, sophisticated error handling, options to do different things, extra comments to further explain different steps and what their output meant... until the script became something developers felt they had to learn to use, instead of a collection of steps they could feel comfortable with and use the script as a sort of convoluted alias.

This has had a number of downsides:

As a breaking change, it's time to remove

What about existing projects?

Projects can continue to use the script they have, or not, as they like. As with any decision to run the generator with --replay to collect optional updates, there are things any project will need to skip. This will be a bigger, more obvious one, but the worst case scenario is that a project ends up with 3 sources of truth: the script, the rig project setup script, and whatever happens in Jenkins. That seems easy enough to rectify for a project willing to be "progressive" about updating code from the generator.

febbraro commented 7 years ago

Do you have any idea how many people actually use --replay? I have my guess, but I'm wondering what you think.

grayside commented 7 years ago

I imagine it is used quarterly for real. EDIT: By the total community of users.

grayside commented 7 years ago
