I need to convert headers modified by a third-party tool in a proper way to feed falcon-phase.
I was wondering if the suffix numbering in the haplotig header has an important meaning?
e.g my primary contig:
my haplotigs
Does the order 001, 002, 003 reflects any order in the primary contig, like alignment order?
i.e must it be like that (case1):
I need to convert headers modified by a third-party tool in a proper way to feed falcon-phase. I was wondering if the suffix numbering in the haplotig header has an important meaning?
e.g my primary contig:
my haplotigs
Does the order 001, 002, 003 reflects any order in the primary contig, like alignment order? i.e must it be like that (case1):
or it does not matter and can be any order like (case2):